Howard & Sandra Vinson​
Howard & Sandra Vinson​
About Us​ and Our Ministry
About Us​ and Our Ministry

Experience We Bring to this Ministry
Experience We Bring to this Ministry
Pastored for almost 47 years at Hunterdale Baptist Church
Leads the music during the worship services
Has a heart for missions
Loves pastors, churches, and missionaries
During his years as a pastor, he has served the Lord:
- As administrator of Hunterdale Christian School for 14 years
- Served on the board of the Old Dominion Association of Church Schools
- Steering committee of the Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptist – moderator in 2003.
- Served on the board of Beacon International Baptist Missions for 17 years
- He is an Army veteran and served his country during the Vietnam war
Sandra has been a part of the ministry:
- Plays the piano for the church services
- Has taught Sunday school in every area
- Leads the Ladies’ Bible Fellowship
- Works with the choir
- Has led Vacation Bible School
- Church secretary for the past 15 years
Our V​ision​
Our V​ision​
All over America, almost four thousand churches are closing their doors every year. Included in these statistics are a number of Independent Baptist Churches. These churches support missions, have missions conferences, revivals, Vacation Bible School and other ministries. All of these things may go by the wayside if these churches close. Our goal is to rescue some of these Independent Baptist churches. Many churches have problems when their pastor suddenly dies, unexpectedly resigns, or retires. Many pastors leave shortly after their resignation, and this can give an open door for Satan to come in and destroy the church. Our ministry would consist of coming in to stabilize the church, to bring a sense of calmness to the church, to hopefully keep members from straying away, to nurture the church, to urge the congregation to pray for God to send them the right pastor, and to give the church some hope while searching for a pastor.

Advantages of This ​Ministry
Advantages of This ​Ministry
As a veteran pastor, our purpose is to rescue churches in need of a pastor. We can stand in the gap to prepare for a smooth transition for the incoming pastor. Many of these churches will already have property, buildings, and a missionary program. If we can rescue these churches, a pastor can start with a congregation and facilities which will save much time and expense instead of starting a new church. For a pastor looking to start a church, it will save time in finding a place to meet, finding property on which to build, and the problems of a building program. It will save our established churches money with which they can do more for the Lord in their missionary endeavors.